What a great Green Week!
This week we have been:
- having healthy, wrapper-free lunch boxes
- doing book swaps
- learning about the Enviroschools Guiding Principles
- caring for our environment
- coming to school in a TravelWise way
- dressing up in green.
Our key learning this week was about the Enviroschools Guiding Principles:
- Empowered Students are enabled to participate in a meaningful way in the life of their early childhood centre or school. Their unique perspectives are valued for the knowledge and insight that they bring, and they are supported to take action for real change.
- The principle of Learning for Sustainability recognises the types of teaching and learning that foster student empowerment, decision-making, action and sustainable outcomes.
- The principle of Māori Perspectives honours the status of tangata whenua in this land and the value of indigenous knowledge in enriching and guiding learning and action.
- Respect for the Diversity of People and Cultures acknowledges the unique gifts, contributions and perspectives of individuals and groups, reinforcing the need for participatory decision-making in Enviroschools.
- Sustainable Communities act in ways that nurture people and nature, now and in the future, to maintain the health and viability of our environment, society, culture and economy.
Room 6 prepared an awesome Green Day assembly. They had lots of interesting facts and information – everyone learnt something; even the teachers! Well done Room 6.
Congratulations to Amy, who was awarded a very special Green Day medal for all of her efforts looking after the environment and caring for our chickens.
Thanks to everyone who dressed in green and came to school in a TravelWise way!