
Thursday, 24 March 2016

Green Week T1

Wow – what a fantastic Green Week!
There have been lots of things going on at Owairaka School.  We have been:
  • reviewing our Care CodeCare Code
  • having healthy, wrapper free lunch boxes
  • doing book swaps
  • dressing up in green
  • caring for our environment.

In class children have been wondering:
  • Where does honey come from?
  • How do chickens lay eggs?
  • How many seeds are in a pumpkin?
  • Why are leaves green?
  • What happens to rubbish that is left on the ground?
  • Why do plants grow well in spring?
  • What are ant nests and how do they work?
  • How much oxygen does one tree make?
  • How many different plant species are there?
Today was Green Day and Walk to School Day.  Thanks to everyone  who dressed in green and came to school in a TravelWise way.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Race Relations Day 2016

Race Relations Day is always a very special day for our school community.
The theme for this year was, Welcoming Diversity: Learning From Each Other.  
At 9.30am, we went to the hall for a special assembly.  We shared greetings in different languages, sang our school song and the children participated in a costume parade – they looked amazing!
In class, children and families shared their culture with each other, learning languages, customs, songs and dances.
Everyone brought food from their culture and we had a shared lunch together. We all enjoyed tasting the delicious food!
It was wonderful to have so many families at school sharing their culture and enjoying the day.