
Friday, 28 August 2015

Book Week 2015

We had a very exciting Book Week!
There were lots of fun reading activities during the week. Each day we stopped, dropped and read when music played over the speaker.
We had special visitors reading to different classes during the week and guest readers at lunchtime in the library.  Teachers swapped classes and read to a different class – it was fantastic!  Thanks to parents and other family who came in and read to a class – awesome!
We also had a book swap. Children brought a book from home that they had finished reading and swapped it for a different book.
Our library was open before school and families enjoyed reading some books together.
Children enjoyed reading in different places around our school at lunchtime, including the under the big pohutukawa tree and in the Fale.
On Friday, we came dressed as our favourite book character. We had an assembly which included a play, special certificates and a parade of costumes. Everyone looked amazing!
Special thanks to Ms Mitchell and the library team for organising such a wonderful week!