
Friday, 5 June 2015

Green Day and Walk to School Term Two 2015

Friday 5 June was World Environment Day.  The theme for this year was:  Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.
To celebrate we had a Green Day & Walk To School Day.  We encouraged everyone to:
·       dress in green
·       walk, scooter or bike to school
·       have a healthy, wrapper free lunchbox

We started the day by having a special assembly at 9.15am.  The key messages were:
·       reduce, reuse, recycle
·       save energy and water
·       grow your own food
·       changing your behaviour helps the planet
·       share what you learn with others.
Taonga Trail: during the day children got a special map and quiz sheet and went to all of the enviro treasures we have in our school.
We had some fantastic wrapper free lunchboxes at school today with lots of healthy food choices – well done Owairaka!
Thank you to all of the children and adults who came to school in a TravelWise way.  You have made a healthy choice for yourself and the environment!