
Friday, 20 March 2015

Race Relations Day 2015

Race Relations Day is always a very special day for our school community.
The theme for this year was, Big Change Starts Small.  This year’s te reo Maori theme is the proverb, Itiiti rearea, kahika teitei, ka taea –  The smallest bellbird is able to climb to the heights of the tallest Kahika tree.
At 9.30am, we went to the hall for a special assembly.  We shared greetings in different languages, sang songs and the children participated in a costume parade – they looked amazing!
In class, children and families shared their culture with each other, learning languages, customs, songs and dances.
Everyone brought food from their culture and we had a shared lunch together. We all enjoyed tasting the delicious food!
It was wonderful to have so many families at school sharing their culture and enjoying the day.
Thank you Mrs Kapisi for organising such a fantastic day!

Friday, 6 March 2015

Green Day and Walk to School Term One 2015

On Friday 6 March we had our first Green Day & Walk To School Day for 2015.
At 9.15am we had a special Green Day assembly.   During the assembly we celebrated our beautiful earth and raised awareness about all the ways we can take care of our local area.  We reminded everyone that even small actions have a big impact on the environment.
We spent the day caring for our school environment – weeding, sweeping and tending the gardens.  We also spent some time learning more about the guiding principles for Enviroschools:  empowered students, learning for sustainability, Maori perspectives, respect for diversity of people and cultures and sustainable communities.
Thanks to all the children and adults that came to school on their scooter, bike or by walking. Being TravelWise is good for your fitness, wakes up your brain for learning and is great for the environment. It also means less pollution from cars and reduced chaos at our school gate.
Well done to all of the families that organised a wrapper free healthy lunchbox!